setup procedures for rds database and EC2 Linux server
Rds is short for redshift, which is a product of aws for data warehouse and database.
Steps for your rds configuration:
sign up & log into your aws console
choose database --> rds
click create database and setup your database following guidance (using default setting is okay)
recommended setting: free tier, engine is Mysql
Connect to your database: In terminal
mysql -u username -p pwd -h endpoind
Please remember your username and password when config your database
If you use third party software to connect to database, you may also need to provide port
Endpoint and portcan be found in database --> Connectivity&Security --> Endpoint&Port
Notice: If you find that you cannot connect to database with correct username and password, please check your security group and change the Inbound IP address to 'All IP' to allow different IP addresses to visit your database.
EC2 is a Linux&Windows server for completing computing work online
Steps for your EC2 configuration:
sign up & log into your aws console
choose compute --> EC2
click launch instance and setup your database following guidance (using default setting is okay)
recommended setting: free tire, Linux, both Ubuntu and CentOS are fine
download your pem key file in your computer
Open terminal and change the directory to the one where the file above locates
chomd 400 pem_file
to make the file become read-only
- connect to the server in terminal
ssh -i directory/pem_file serverName@IVP4 public IP
serverName is the name of operation system by default. For example, 'ubuntu' for Ubuntu OS and 'centos' OS
IVP4 public IP can be found in console --> Instances --> Description
Notice: If you find that you cannot connect to server with correct pem file and IP, please check your security group and change the Inbound IP address to 'All IP' to allow different IP addresses to visit your server.